Assessor Course
Are you passionate about teaching and conducting assessments? Why not make a career out of your passion by attending any one of our SETA accredited credit bearing assessor courses.
The Assessor course is for people who intend to assess candidates for their achievement of learning outcomes, using pre-designed instruments.
This assessor course will be of value to those in the fields of education, training and development, human resources development, and any manager or supervisor expected to possess the skills and knowledge to competently assess employees.
Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer or a facilitator, or you are someone who does a bit of assessment as a part of their job, you always want to be prepared. Your learners will understand that training is a process where skills, knowledge, and attitudes are applied in a unique way.
An Assessor course is the person judging whether another person is competent and not yet competent within a certain field.
The Assessor Skills Programme is a comprehensive SAQA unit standard-based course that covers best practice standards of assessing outcomes-based learning. Learn how to conduct assessments in your own area of expertise.
Upon completion of this course and successful assessment Candidate Assessors course will have acquired these skills:
Demonstrate understanding of outcomes-based assessment.
Plan and prepare for assessment.
Conduct assessment.
Provide feedback on assessments.
Review assessment.
What is an Assessor?
An assessor is a person with the required knowledge and skills that determines whether a candidate is capable of doing the job at hand in their own particular field of expertise by collecting evidence. Assessors assess people, not things.
How is evidence collected?
An assessor makes use of different tools and systems to determine if a candidate is competent or not yet competent.
Is it important to be registered?
Yes! The responsibility of the assessor is great and thus they need to meet a high standard of criteria and have to be registered before they are allowed to assess.
Accreditation and Training Services’ generic Assessor course will equip learners with the required knowledge and skills to assess candidates in their own particular field of expertise. The Assessor training course will help build your understanding of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and will help you take the first step in developing your skills and acquiring a variety of qualifications within the fields of Education Training and Development Practices and Human Resource Development.
It is the responsibility of the Assessor to determine whether a candidate is competent or not yet competent. An Assessor makes use of different tools and systems to determine if a candidate is capable of doing the job at hand. The responsibility of the Assessor is great and thus they need to meet a high standard of criteria and have to be registered before they are allowed to assess.